MSR 2020
Mon 29 - Tue 30 June 2020
co-located with ICSE 2020
Tue 30 Jun 2020 16:45 - 17:00 at MSR:Zoom2 - Visions & Reflections Chair(s): Venera Arnaoudova

The term software is ubiquitous, however, it does not seem as if we as a community have a clear understanding of what software actually is. Imprecise definitions of software do not help other professions, in particular those acquiring and sourcing software from third-parties, when deciding what precisely are potential deliverables. In this paper we investigate which artifacts constitute software by analyzing 23 715 repositories from Github, we categorize the found artifacts into high-level categories, such as, code, data, and documentation (and into 19 more concrete categories) and we can confirm the notion of others that software is more than just source code or programs, for which the term is often used synonymously. With this work we provide an empirical study of more than 13 million artifacts, we provide a taxonomy of artifact categories, and we can conclude that software most often consists of variously distributed amounts of code in different forms, such as, source code, binary code, scripts, etc., data, such as, configuration files, images, databases, etc., and documentation, such as user documentation, licenses, etc.

Tue 30 Jun

Displayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change

16:00 - 17:00
Visions & ReflectionsTechnical Papers / Registered Reports / Keynote / MSR Awards / FOSS Award / Education / Data Showcase / Mining Challenge / MSR Challenge Proposals / Ask Me Anything at MSR:Zoom2
Chair(s): Venera Arnaoudova Washington State University

Q/A & Discussion of Session Papers over Zoom (Joining info available on Slack)

Live Q&A
The State of the ML-universe: 10 Years of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Software Development on GitHubMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Danielle Gonzalez Rochester Institute of Technology, USA, Thomas Zimmermann Microsoft Research, Nachiappan Nagappan Microsoft Research
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Ethical Mining – A Case Study on MSR Mining ChallengesACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper AwardMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Nicolas Gold University College London, Jens Krinke University College London
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
From Innovations to Prospects: What Is Hidden Behind Cryptocurrencies?MSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Ang Jia Xi'an Jiaotong University, Ming Fan Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi Xu , Di Cui Xi'an Jiaotong University, Wenying Wei , Zijiang Yang Western Michigan University, Kai Ye , Ting Liu Xi'an Jiaotong University
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
What constitutes Software? An Empirical, Descriptive Study of ArtifactsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Pre-print Media Attached