MSR 2020
Mon 29 - Tue 30 June 2020
co-located with ICSE 2020

The Mining Software Repositories (MSR) conference is the premier conference for data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in software engineering. The goal of the conference is to improve software engineering practices by uncovering interesting and actionable information about software systems and projects using the vast amounts of software data such as source control systems, defect tracking systems, code review repositories, archived communications between project personnel, question-and-answer sites, CI build servers, and run-time telemetry. Mining this information can help to understand software development and evolution, software users, and runtime behavior; support the maintenance of software systems; improve software design/reuse; empirically validate novel ideas and techniques; support predictions about software development; and exploit this knowledge in planning future development.

The goal of this two-day international conference is to advance the science and practice of software engineering with data-driven techniques. The 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories is co-located with ICSE 2020 in Seoul, South Korea, and will be held on May 25-26, 2020.

The important dates for the Technical Track papers are:

  • Abstract deadline: Thursday January 9, 2020, 23:59 AOE
  • Papers deadline: Thursday January 16, 2020, 23:59 AOE (No deadline extension or grace periods will be provided. Please plan accordingly)
  • Author Response Period: February 18 - 21, 2020
  • Author Notification: Monday March 2, 2020
  • Camera Ready: Monday March 16, 2020, 23:59 AOE

Please see the Call for Papers for all the details.


Mon 29 Jun 2020
Tue 30 Jun 2020
MSR Awards
MSR Challenge Proposals
MSR Plenary
MSR Ask Me Anything
MSR Data Showcase
MSR Education
MSR Keynote
MSR Mining Challenge
MSR Registered Reports
MSR Technical Papers
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Mon 29 Jun

Displayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change

10:30 - 11:00
Programming Languages & ModelsTechnical Papers / Registered Reports / Keynote / MSR Awards / FOSS Award / Education / Data Showcase / Mining Challenge / MSR Challenge Proposals / Ask Me Anything at MSR:Zoom
Chair(s): Dimitris Kolovos University of York

Q/A & Discussion of Session Papers over Zoom (Joining info available on Slack)

Live Q&A
An Empirical Study on the Impact of Deimplicitization on Program ComprehensionMSR - Registered Reports
Registered Reports
A: Jürgen Cito MIT, A: Jiasi Shen Massachusetts Institute of Technology, A: Martin C. Rinard MIT
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
AIMMX: Artificial Intelligence Model Metadata ExtractorMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Jason Tsay IBM Research, Alan Braz IBM Research, Martin Hirzel IBM Research, Avraham Shinnar IBM Research, Todd Mummert
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Using Large-Scale Anomaly Detection on Code to Improve Kotlin CompilerMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Timofey Bryksin JetBrains Research, Saint Petersburg State University, Victor Petukhov JetBrains, ITMO University, Ilya Alexin , Stanislav Prikhodko , Alexey Shpilman , Vladimir Kovalenko TU Delft, Nikita Povarov JetBrains
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
An Empirical Study of Method Chaining in JavaMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Tomoki Nakamaru Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Tomomasa Matsunaga , Tetsuro Yamazaki Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Soramichi Akiyama Department of Creative Informatics, The University of Tokyo, Shigeru Chiba The University of Tokyo
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Painting Flowers: Reasons for Using Single-State State Machines in Model-Driven EngineeringMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Nan Yang Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, Pieter Cuijpers , Ramon Schiffelers Eindhoven University of Technology and ASML, the Netherlands, Johan Lukkien , Alexander Serebrenik Eindhoven University of Technology
Media Attached
10:30 - 11:00
Refactoring & TestingTechnical Papers / Registered Reports / Keynote / MSR Awards / FOSS Award / Education / Data Showcase / Mining Challenge / MSR Challenge Proposals / Ask Me Anything at MSR:Zoom2
Chair(s): Maurício Aniche Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Q/A & Discussion of Session Papers over Zoom (Joining info available on Slack)

Live Q&A
Characterizing and Identifying Composite Refactorings: Concepts, Heuristics and PatternsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Leonardo Da Silva Sousa Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Diego Cedrim Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Alessandro Garcia PUC-Rio, Willian Oizumi PUC-Rio, Ana Carla Bibiano PUC-Rio, Daniel Oliveira PUC-Rio, Miryung Kim University of California, Los Angeles, Anderson Oliveira PUC-Rio
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Behind the Intents: An In-depth Empirical Study on Software Refactoring in Modern Code ReviewMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Matheus Paixao University of Fortaleza, Anderson Uchôa Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Ana Carla Bibiano PUC-Rio, Daniel Oliveira PUC-Rio, Alessandro Garcia PUC-Rio, Jens Krinke University College London, Emilio Arvonio
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
JTeC: A Large Collection of Java Test Classes for Test Code Analysis and ProcessingMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
Federico Corò , A: Roberto Verdecchia Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, A: Emilio Cruciani , A: Breno Miranda Federal University of Pernambuco, A: Antonia Bertolino CNR-ISTI
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
TestRoutes: A Manually Curated Method Level Dataset for Test-to-Code TraceabilityMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
A: András Kicsi , A: László Vidács University of Szeged, Hungary, A: Tibor Gyimothy
Pre-print Media Attached
11:00 - 12:00
Build, CI, & DependenciesTechnical Papers / Registered Reports / Keynote / MSR Awards / FOSS Award / Education / Data Showcase / Mining Challenge / MSR Challenge Proposals / Ask Me Anything at MSR:Zoom
Chair(s): Raula Gaikovina Kula NAIST

Q/A & Discussion of Session Papers over Zoom (Joining info available on Slack)

Live Q&A
A Tale of Docker Build Failures: A Preliminary StudyMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Yiwen Wu National University of Defense Technology, Yang Zhang National University of Defense Technology, China, Tao Wang National University of Defense Technology, Huaimin Wang
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Using Others' Tests to Avoid Breaking UpdatesMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Suhaib Mujahid Concordia University, Rabe Abdalkareem Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, Emad Shihab Concordia University, Shane McIntosh McGill University
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
A Dataset of DockerfilesMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
A: Jordan Henkel University of Wisconsin–Madison, A: Christian Bird Microsoft Research, A: Shuvendu K. Lahiri Microsoft Research, A: Thomas Reps University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Media Attached
Live Q&A
Empirical Study of Restarted and Flaky Builds on Travis CIMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Thomas Durieux KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Claire Le Goues Carnegie Mellon University, Michael Hilton Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Rui Abreu Instituto Superior Técnico, U. Lisboa & INESC-ID
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
LogChunks: A Data Set for Build Log AnalysisMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
A: Carolin Brandt Delft University of Technology, A: Annibale Panichella Delft University of Technology, A: Andy Zaidman TU Delft, A: Moritz Beller Facebook, USA
Pre-print Media Attached
12:00 - 13:00
Code SmellsTechnical Papers / Registered Reports / Keynote / MSR Awards / FOSS Award / Education / Data Showcase / Mining Challenge / MSR Challenge Proposals / Ask Me Anything at MSR:Zoom
Chair(s): Alessandro Garcia PUC-Rio

Q/A & Discussion of Session Papers over Zoom (Joining info available on Slack)

Live Q&A
Detecting Video Game-Specific Bad Smells in Unity ProjectsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Investigating Severity Thresholds for Test SmellsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Davide Spadini Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Martin Schvarcbacher , Ana Oprescu University of Amsterdam, Magiel Bruntink Software Improvement Group, Alberto Bacchelli University of Zurich
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
On the Prevalence, Impact, and Evolution of SQL code smells in Data-Intensive SystemsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Biruk Asmare Muse , Masud Rahman Dalhousie University, Csaba Nagy Software Institute - USI, Lugano, Anthony Cleve University of Namur, Foutse Khomh Polytechnique Montréal, Giuliano Antoniol Polytechnique Montréal
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Multi-language Design Smells: A Backstage PerspectiveMSR - Registered Reports
Registered Reports
A: Mouna Abidi , A: Moses Openja , A: Foutse Khomh Polytechnique Montréal
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
The Scent of Deep Learning Code: An Empirical StudyMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Hadhemi Jebnoun , Masud Rahman Dalhousie University, Foutse Khomh Polytechnique Montréal, Houssem Ben Braiek
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Developer-Driven Code Smell PrioritizationMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Fabiano Pecorelli University of Salerno, Fabio Palomba University of Salerno, Foutse Khomh Polytechnique Montréal, Andrea De Lucia University of Salerno
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12:00 - 13:00
MSR Mining ChallengeMining Challenge / Technical Papers at MSR:Zoom2
Chair(s): Antoine Pietri Inria, Diomidis Spinellis Athens University of Economics and Business, Stefano Zacchiroli Université de Paris and Inria

Q/A & Discussion of Session Papers over Zoom (Joining info available on Slack)

Live Q&A
Cheating Death: A Statistical Survival Analysis of Publicly Available Python ProjectsMSR - Mining Challenge
Mining Challenge
A: Ali Rao Hamza , A: Chelsea Parlett-Pelleriti , A: Erik Linstead Chapman University
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
An investigation to find motives behind cross-platform forks from Software Heritage datasetMSR - Mining Challenge
Mining Challenge
A: Avijit Bhattacharjee University of Saskatchewan, Canada, A: Sristy Sumana Nath Department of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan, A: Shurui Zhou Carnegie Mellon University, USA / University of Toronto, CA, A: Debasish Chakroborti , A: Banani Roy University of Saskatchewan, A: Chanchal K. Roy University of Saskatchewan, A: Kevin Schneider University of Saskatchewan
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Exploring the Security Awareness of the Python and JavaScript Open Source CommunitiesMSR - Mining Challenge
Mining Challenge
Gabor Antal , Márton Keleti , A: Peter Hegedus University of Szeged
Pre-print Media Attached
14:30 - 15:30
Bugs & IssuesTechnical Papers / Registered Reports / Keynote / MSR Awards / FOSS Award / Education / Data Showcase / Mining Challenge / MSR Challenge Proposals / Ask Me Anything at MSR:Zoom
Chair(s): Francisco Servant Virginia Tech

Q/A & Discussion of Session Papers over Zoom (Joining info available on Slack)

Live Q&A
Dataset of Video Game Development ProblemsMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
A: Cristiano Politowski Concordia University, Canada, A: Fabio Petrillo University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, A: Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc Concordia University and Polytechnique Montréal, A: Gabriel Cavalheiro Ullmann UNIJUI - Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, A: Josias De Andrade Werly
Media Attached
Live Q&A
On the Relationship between User Churn and Software IssuesMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Omar El Zarif , Daniel Alencar Da Costa University of Otago, Safwat Hassan Queens University, Kingston, Canada, Ying Zou Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
A Soft Alignment Model for Bug DeduplicationMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
A Large-Scale Comparative Evaluation of IR-Based Tools for Bug LocalizationMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Media Attached
Live Q&A
How Often Do Single-Statement Bugs Occur? The ManySStuBs4J DatasetMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
A: Rafael-Michael Karampatsis The University of Edinburgh, A: Charles Sutton Google Research
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Large-Scale Manual Validation of Bugfixing ChangesMSR - Registered Reports
Registered Reports
A: Steffen Herbold University of Göttingen, A: Alexander Trautsch University of Göttingen, A: Benjamin Ledel
Pre-print Media Attached
14:30 - 15:00
Tutorial 1: GDPR ConsiderationsEducation / Technical Papers at MSR:Zoom2
Chair(s): Abram Hindle University of Alberta, Alexander Serebrenik Eindhoven University of Technology

Q/A for tutorial (Joining info available on Slack)

Mining Software Repositories While Respecting PrivacyMSR - Tutorial
A: Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Pre-print Media Attached
16:30 - 17:30
Github & OSS DatasetsTechnical Papers / Registered Reports / Keynote / MSR Awards / FOSS Award / Education / Data Showcase / Mining Challenge / MSR Challenge Proposals / Ask Me Anything at MSR:Zoom
Chair(s): Olga Baysal Carleton University

Q/A & Discussion of Session Papers over Zoom (Joining info available on Slack)

Live Q&A
A New Dataset for Pull Request AcceptanceMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
A: Xunhui Zhang National University of Defense Technology, China, A: Ayushi Rastogi University of Groningen, The Netherlands, A: Yue Yu College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
A Mixed Graph-Relational Dataset of Socio-technicalInteractions in Open Source SystemsMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
A: Usman Ashraf , A: Christoph Mayr-Dorn Johannes Kepler University Linz, A: Alexander Egyed Johannes Kepler University, Linz, A: Sebastiano Panichella
Media Attached
Live Q&A
A Complete Set of Related Git Repositories Identified via Community Detection Approaches Based on Shared CommitsMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
A: Audris Mockus , A: Zoe Kotti Athens University of Economics and Business, A: Diomidis Spinellis Athens University of Economics and Business, A: Gabriel Dusing
Media Attached
Live Q&A
A Dataset of Enterprise-Driven Open Source SoftwareMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
A: Diomidis Spinellis Athens University of Economics and Business, A: Zoe Kotti Athens University of Economics and Business, A: Konstantinos Kravvaritis , A: Georgios Theodorou , A: Panos Louridas Athens University of Economics and Business
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
A Dataset for GitHub Repository DeduplicationMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
A: Diomidis Spinellis Athens University of Economics and Business, A: Zoe Kotti Athens University of Economics and Business, A: Audris Mockus
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
A Dataset and an Approach for Identity Resolution of 38 Million Author IDs extracted from 2B Git CommitsMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
A: Tanner Fry , A: Tapajit Dey , A: Andrey Karnauch University of Tennessee Knoxville, A: Audris Mockus
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
20-MAD - 20 years of issues and commits of Mozilla and Apache DevelopmentMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
A: Maëlick Claes University of Oulu, A: Mika Mäntylä University of Oulu
Media Attached
16:30 - 17:00
Platforms & DatasetsTechnical Papers / Registered Reports / Keynote / MSR Awards / FOSS Award / Education / Data Showcase / Mining Challenge / MSR Challenge Proposals / Ask Me Anything at MSR:Zoom2
Chair(s): Moritz Beller Facebook, USA

Q/A & Discussion of Session Papers over Zoom (Joining info available on Slack)

Live Q&A
RTPTorrent: An Open-source Dataset for Evaluating Regression Test PrioritizationMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Toni Mattis Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Patrick Rein Hasso Plattner Institute, Falco Dürsch , Robert Hirschfeld Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI), Germany
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Polyglot and Distributed Software Repository Mining with CROSSFLOWMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Konstantinos Barmpis , Patrick Neubauer University of York, UK, Jonathan Co , Dimitris Kolovos University of York, Nicholas Matragkas , Richard Paige McMaster University
Media Attached
Live Q&A
Boa Views: Easy Modularization and Sharing of MSR AnalysesMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Che Shian Hung , Robert Dyer University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Determining the Intrinsic Structure of Public Software Development HistoryMSR - Registered Reports
Registered Reports
A: Antoine Pietri Inria, A: Guillaume Rousseau Université de Paris and Inria, A: Stefano Zacchiroli Université de Paris and Inria
Pre-print Media Attached

Tue 30 Jun

Displayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change

10:30 - 11:00
EvolutionTechnical Papers / Registered Reports / Keynote / MSR Awards / FOSS Award / Education / Data Showcase / Mining Challenge / MSR Challenge Proposals / Ask Me Anything at MSR:Zoom
Chair(s): Jürgen Cito MIT

Q/A & Discussion of Session Papers over Zoom (Joining info available on Slack)

Live Q&A
Capture the Feature Flag: Detecting Feature Flags in Open-SourceMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Jens Meinicke Carnegie Mellon University, Juan Hoyos Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogdan Vasilescu Carnegie Mellon University, Christian Kästner Carnegie Mellon University
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Forking Without Clicking: on How to Identify Software Repository ForksMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Antoine Pietri Inria, Guillaume Rousseau Université de Paris and Inria, Stefano Zacchiroli Université de Paris and Inria
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Visualization of Methods Changeability Based on VCS DataMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Sergey Svitkov , Timofey Bryksin JetBrains Research, Saint Petersburg State University
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Employing Contribution and Quality Metrics for Quantifying the Software Development ProcessMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
A: Themistoklis Diamantopoulos Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, A: Michail Papamichail , A: Thomas Karanikiotis , A: Kyriakos Chatzidimitriou Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, A: Andreas Symeonidis Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Pre-print Media Attached
10:30 - 11:00
Apps & BotsTechnical Papers / Registered Reports / Keynote / MSR Awards / FOSS Award / Education / Data Showcase / Mining Challenge / MSR Challenge Proposals / Ask Me Anything at MSR:Zoom2
Chair(s): Ivano Malavolta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Q/A & Discussion of Session Papers over Zoom (Joining info available on Slack)

Live Q&A
AndroZooOpen: Collecting Large-scale Open Source Android Apps for the Research CommunityMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
A: Pei Liu , A: Li Li Monash University, Australia, A: Yanjie Zhao , A: Xiaoyu Sun , A: John Grundy Monash University
Media Attached
Live Q&A
Hall-of-Apps: The Top Android Apps Metadata ArchiveMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
Media Attached
Live Q&A
Detecting and Characterizing Bots that Commit CodeMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Tapajit Dey , Sara Mousavi , Eduardo Ponce University of Tennessee - Knoxville, Tanner Fry , Bogdan Vasilescu Carnegie Mellon University, Anna Filippova , Audris Mockus University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Challenges in Chatbot Development: A Study of Stack Overflow PostsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Ahmad Abdellatif Concordia University, Diego Costa Concordia University, Canada, Khaled Badran Concordia University, Rabe Abdalkareem Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, Emad Shihab Concordia University
Pre-print Media Attached
11:00 - 12:00
QualityTechnical Papers / Registered Reports / Keynote / MSR Awards / FOSS Award / Education / Data Showcase / Mining Challenge / MSR Challenge Proposals / Ask Me Anything at MSR:Zoom
Chair(s): Jens Krinke University College London

Q/A & Discussion of Session Papers over Zoom (Joining info available on Slack)

Live Q&A
Beyond the Code: Mining Self-Admitted Technical Debt in Issue Tracker SystemsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Laerte Xavier Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Fabio da Silva Ferreira , Rodrigo Brito , Marco Tulio Valente Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
An Empirical Study on Regular Expression BugsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Peipei Wang North Carolina State University, USA, Chris Brown North Carolina State University, Jamie Jennings North Carolina State University, Kathryn Stolee North Carolina State University
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Do Explicit Review Strategies Improve Code Review Performance?MSR - Registered Reports
Registered Reports
A: Pavlína Wurzel Gonçalves , A: Enrico Fregnan , A: Tobias Baum , A: Kurt Schneider Leibniz Universität Hannover, Software Engineering Group, A: Alberto Bacchelli University of Zurich
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
SoftMon: A Tool to Compare Similar Open-source Software from a Performance PerspectiveMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
A Study of Potential Code Borrowing and License Violations in Java Projects on GitHubMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Yaroslav Golubev JetBrains Research, ITMO University, Maria Eliseeva , Nikita Povarov JetBrains, Timofey Bryksin JetBrains Research, Saint Petersburg State University
Pre-print Media Attached
11:00 - 12:00
SecurityData Showcase / Technical Papers at MSR:Zoom2
Chair(s): Dimitris Mitropoulos Athens University of Economics and Business

Q/A & Discussion of Session Papers over Zoom (Joining info available on Slack)

Live Q&A
Did You Remember To Test Your Tokens?MSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Danielle Gonzalez Rochester Institute of Technology, USA, Michael Rath Technische Universität Ilmenau, Mehdi Mirakhorli Rochester Institute of Technology
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Automatically Granted Permissions in Android appsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Paolo Calciati IMDEA Software Institute, Konstantin Kuznetsov Saarland University, CISPA, Alessandra Gorla IMDEA Software Institute, Andreas Zeller CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Media Attached
Live Q&A
PUMiner: Mining Security Posts from Developer Question and Answer Websites with PU LearningMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Triet Le The University of Adelaide, David Hin , Roland Croft , Muhammad Ali Babar The University of Adelaide
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
The Impact of a Major Security Event on an Open Source Project: The Case of OpenSSLMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
James Walden Northern Kentucky University
Pre-print Media Attached
14:00 - 15:00
ML4SETechnical Papers / Registered Reports / Keynote / MSR Awards / FOSS Award / Education / Data Showcase / Mining Challenge / MSR Challenge Proposals / Ask Me Anything at MSR:Zoom
Chair(s): Kevin Moran William & Mary/George Mason University

Q/A & Discussion of Session Papers over Zoom (Joining info available on Slack)

Live Q&A
A Machine Learning Approach for Vulnerability CurationACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper AwardMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Chen Yang Veracode, Inc., Andrew Santosa Veracode, Inc., Ang Ming Yi , Abhishek Sharma Singapore Management University, Singapore, Asankhaya Sharma Veracode, Inc., David Lo Singapore Management University
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Embedding Java Classes with code2vec: Improvements from Variable ObfuscationMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Rhys Compton University of Waikato, Eibe Frank Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato, Panos Patros , Abigail Koay University of Waikato
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
A Study on the Accuracy of OCR Engines for Source Code Transcription from Programming ScreencastsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Abdulkarim Malkadi Florida State University, USA - Jazan University, KSA, Mohammad Alahmadi Florida State University, Sonia Haiduc Florida State University
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
What is the Vocabulary of Flaky Tests?MSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Gustavo Pinto UFPA, Breno Miranda Federal University of Pernambuco, Supun Dissanayake The University of Adelaide, Marcelo d'Amorim Federal University of Pernambuco, Christoph Treude The University of Adelaide, Antonia Bertolino CNR-ISTI
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Improved Automatic Summarization of Subroutines via Attention to File ContextMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Sakib Haque University of Notre Dame, Alexander LeClair University Of Notre Dame, Lingfei Wu IBM Research, Collin McMillan University of Notre Dame
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14:30 - 15:00
Tutorial 2: Software AnalyticsEducation / Technical Papers at MSR:Zoom2
Chair(s): Abram Hindle University of Alberta, Alexander Serebrenik Eindhoven University of Technology

Q/A for tutorial (Joining info available on Slack)

Mutation Testing Meets Software Analytics: A Hands-On TutorialMSR - Tutorial
A: Fabio Palomba University of Salerno
Media Attached
16:00 - 17:00
Developer CollaborationTechnical Papers / Registered Reports / Keynote / MSR Awards / FOSS Award / Education / Data Showcase / Mining Challenge / MSR Challenge Proposals / Ask Me Anything at MSR:Zoom
Chair(s): Bogdan Vasilescu Carnegie Mellon University

Q/A & Discussion of Session Papers over Zoom (Joining info available on Slack)

Live Q&A
Need for tweet. How open-source developers use Twitter to talk about their GitHub workMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Can We Use SE-specific Sentiment Analysis Tools in a Cross-Platform Setting?MSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Nicole Novielli University of Bari, Fabio Calefato University of Bari, Davide Dongiovanni University of Bari, Daniela Girardi University of Bari, Filippo Lanubile University of Bari
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
GitterCom: A Dataset of Open Source Developer Communications in GitterMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
A: Esteban Parra Florida State University, A: Ashley Ellis , A: Sonia Haiduc Florida State University
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
The Impact of Dynamics of Collaborative Software Engineering on Introverts: A Study ProtocolMSR - Registered Reports
Registered Reports
A: Ingrid Nunes Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil, A: Christoph Treude The University of Adelaide, A: Fabio Calefato University of Bari
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Software-related Slack Chats with Disentangled ConversationsMSR - Data Showcase
Data Showcase
A: Preetha Chatterjee University of Delaware, USA, A: Kostadin Damevski Virginia Commonwealth University, A: Nicholas A. Kraft UserVoice, A: Lori Pollock
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Traceability Support for Multi-Lingual Software ProjectsACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper AwardMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Yalin Liu University of Notre Dame, Jinfeng Lin University of Notre Dame, Jane Cleland-Huang University of Notre Dame
Media Attached
16:00 - 17:00
Visions & ReflectionsTechnical Papers / Registered Reports / Keynote / MSR Awards / FOSS Award / Education / Data Showcase / Mining Challenge / MSR Challenge Proposals / Ask Me Anything at MSR:Zoom2
Chair(s): Venera Arnaoudova Washington State University

Q/A & Discussion of Session Papers over Zoom (Joining info available on Slack)

Live Q&A
The State of the ML-universe: 10 Years of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Software Development on GitHubMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Danielle Gonzalez Rochester Institute of Technology, USA, Thomas Zimmermann Microsoft Research, Nachiappan Nagappan Microsoft Research
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Ethical Mining – A Case Study on MSR Mining ChallengesACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper AwardMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Nicolas Gold University College London, Jens Krinke University College London
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
From Innovations to Prospects: What Is Hidden Behind Cryptocurrencies?MSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Ang Jia Xi'an Jiaotong University, Ming Fan Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi Xu , Di Cui Xi'an Jiaotong University, Wenying Wei , Zijiang Yang Western Michigan University, Kai Ye , Ting Liu Xi'an Jiaotong University
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
What constitutes Software? An Empirical, Descriptive Study of ArtifactsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Pre-print Media Attached

Accepted Papers

AIMMX: Artificial Intelligence Model Metadata ExtractorMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Pre-print Media Attached
A Large-Scale Comparative Evaluation of IR-Based Tools for Bug LocalizationMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Media Attached
A Machine Learning Approach for Vulnerability CurationACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper AwardMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
Pre-print Media Attached
An Empirical Study of Method Chaining in JavaMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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An Empirical Study on Regular Expression BugsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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A Soft Alignment Model for Bug DeduplicationMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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A Study of Potential Code Borrowing and License Violations in Java Projects on GitHubMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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A Study on the Accuracy of OCR Engines for Source Code Transcription from Programming ScreencastsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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A Tale of Docker Build Failures: A Preliminary StudyMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Automatically Granted Permissions in Android appsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Behind the Intents: An In-depth Empirical Study on Software Refactoring in Modern Code ReviewMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Beyond the Code: Mining Self-Admitted Technical Debt in Issue Tracker SystemsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Boa Views: Easy Modularization and Sharing of MSR AnalysesMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Can We Use SE-specific Sentiment Analysis Tools in a Cross-Platform Setting?MSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Capture the Feature Flag: Detecting Feature Flags in Open-SourceMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Challenges in Chatbot Development: A Study of Stack Overflow PostsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Characterizing and Identifying Composite Refactorings: Concepts, Heuristics and PatternsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Detecting and Characterizing Bots that Commit CodeMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Detecting Video Game-Specific Bad Smells in Unity ProjectsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Developer-Driven Code Smell PrioritizationMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Did You Remember To Test Your Tokens?MSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Embedding Java Classes with code2vec: Improvements from Variable ObfuscationMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Empirical Study of Restarted and Flaky Builds on Travis CIMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Ethical Mining – A Case Study on MSR Mining ChallengesACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper AwardMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Forking Without Clicking: on How to Identify Software Repository ForksMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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From Innovations to Prospects: What Is Hidden Behind Cryptocurrencies?MSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Improved Automatic Summarization of Subroutines via Attention to File ContextMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Investigating Severity Thresholds for Test SmellsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Need for tweet. How open-source developers use Twitter to talk about their GitHub workMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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On the Prevalence, Impact, and Evolution of SQL code smells in Data-Intensive SystemsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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On the Relationship between User Churn and Software IssuesMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Painting Flowers: Reasons for Using Single-State State Machines in Model-Driven EngineeringMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Polyglot and Distributed Software Repository Mining with CROSSFLOWMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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PUMiner: Mining Security Posts from Developer Question and Answer Websites with PU LearningMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
RTPTorrent: An Open-source Dataset for Evaluating Regression Test PrioritizationMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
SoftMon: A Tool to Compare Similar Open-source Software from a Performance PerspectiveMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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The Impact of a Major Security Event on an Open Source Project: The Case of OpenSSLMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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The Scent of Deep Learning Code: An Empirical StudyMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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The State of the ML-universe: 10 Years of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Software Development on GitHubMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Traceability Support for Multi-Lingual Software ProjectsACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper AwardMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Using Large-Scale Anomaly Detection on Code to Improve Kotlin CompilerMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Using Others' Tests to Avoid Breaking UpdatesMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Visualization of Methods Changeability Based on VCS DataMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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What constitutes Software? An Empirical, Descriptive Study of ArtifactsMSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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What is the Vocabulary of Flaky Tests?MSR - Technical Paper
Technical Papers
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Call for Papers


The technical track of MSR 2020 solicits novel, high quality submissions on a wide range of topics, including (but not limited to):

  • Analysis of software data with the goal of improving software productivity and reliability
  • Analysis and modeling of runtime information to optimize deployment, delivery and error handling in software development processes
  • Analysis of change patterns and trends to assist in future development
  • Analysis of natural language artifacts in software data
  • Analysis of software ecosystems and mining of software data across multiple projects
  • Approaches, applications, and tools for mining software data
  • Artificial intelligence for software engineering
  • Characterization, classification, and prediction of software defects based on analysis of software data
  • Characterization of bias in mining and guidelines to ensure the quality of results
  • Data science for software projects
  • Empirical studies on extracting data from large long-lived and/or industrial projects
  • Machine learning for software engineering
  • Meta-models, exchange formats, and infrastructure tools to facilitate the sharing of extracted data and to encourage reuse and repeatability
  • Methods of integrating mined data from various historical sources
  • Mining code review data
  • Mining execution traces and logs
  • Mining human and social aspects of development
  • Mining interaction data
  • Mining mobile app stores and app reviews
  • Mining software licensing and copyrights
  • Models for social and development processes in large software projects
  • Models of software project evolution based on historical repository data
  • Models and processes for improving the quality of machine learning pipelines
  • Natural language processing in software engineering
  • Prediction and modeling of software quality
  • Privacy and ethics in mining software data
  • Release engineering, including continuous integration, delivery and deployment
  • Search-driven software development, including search techniques to assist developers in finding suitable components and code fragments for reuse, and software search engines
  • Software analytics
  • Software engineering for artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Energy efficiency of software
  • Studies of programming language features and their usage
  • Techniques and tools for capturing new forms of software data such as effort data, fine-grained changes, and refactoring
  • Techniques to model reliability and defect occurrences
  • Visualization techniques and models of mined data

Types of Technical Track Submissions

We accept both full (10 pages plus 2 additional pages of references) and short (4 pages plus 1 additional page of references) papers. Furthermore, in order to facilitate the reviewing process of your paper’s contribution, you should select one of the following paper categories:

1. Research Paper

Full research papers are expected to describe new methodologies and/or provide novel research results, and should be evaluated scientifically. While a high degree of technical rigor is expected for long papers, short research papers should discuss controversial issues in the field, or describe interesting or thought-provoking ideas that are not yet fully developed. Accepted short papers will be presented in a short lightning talk.

Relevant review criteria:

  • novelty
  • soundness of approach
  • relevance to the conference (+ clarity of relation with related work)
  • quality of presentation
  • quality of evaluation [for long papers]
  • ability to replicate [for long papers]

2. Practice Experience

MSR encourages the submission of papers that report on both positive and negative experiences of applying software analytics strategies in an industry/open source organization context. Adapting existing algorithms or proposing new algorithms or approaches for practical use are considered a plus.

Relevant review criteria:

  • quality of empirical evaluation
  • explicit discussion on the usefulness/impact of the approach in practice
  • explicit discussion of any adaptations required by the application of existing/new approach in practice
  • quality of presentation
  • relevance to the conference (+ clarity of relation with related work)

3. Reusable Tool

MSR actively promotes and recognizes the creation and use of tools that are designed and built not only for a specific research project, but for the MSR community as a whole. Those tools enable other researchers to jumpstart their own research efforts, and also enable reproducibility of earlier work.

Reusable Tool papers can be descriptions of tools built by the authors that can be used by other researchers, and/or descriptions of the use of tools built by others to obtain some specific research results in the area of mining software repositories.

Relevant review criteria:

  • evaluation of usefulness/reusability of the tool [for long papers]
  • novelty
  • quality of presentation (details on tool’s internals, usage, etc.)
  • relevance to the conference (+ clarity of relation with related work)
  • availability of the tool, clear installation instructions and example data set that allow the reviewers to run the tool

Submission Process

All types of technical papers will be peer-reviewed according to the specified review criteria, hence it is required to choose the right type of paper according to the paper’s major contributions. Submissions should follow the ACM Conference Proceedings Formatting Guidelines ( ). LaTeX users must use the provided acmart.cls and ACM-Reference-Format.bst without modification, enable the conference format in the preamble of the document (i.e., \documentclass[sigconf,review]{acmart}), and use the ACM reference format for the bibliography (i.e., \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format}). The review option adds line numbers, thereby allowing referees to refer to specific lines in their comments.

Papers submitted for consideration should not have been published elsewhere and should not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere for the duration of consideration. ACM plagiarism policies and procedures shall be followed for cases of double submission. The submission must also comply with the IEEE Policy on Authorship. Please read the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism ( and the IEEE Plagiarism FAQ ( before submitting.

Upon notification of acceptance, all authors of accepted papers will be asked to complete a copyright form and will receive further instructions for preparing their camera ready versions. At least one author of each paper is expected to register and present the results at the MSR 2020 conference. All accepted contributions will be published in the conference electronic proceedings.

A selection of the best papers will be invited to an EMSE Special Issue. The authors of accepted papers that show outstanding contributions to the FOSS community will have a chance to self-nominate their paper for the MSR FOSS Impact Paper Award.

IMPORTANT: MSR 2020 follows the double-blind submission model. Submissions should not reveal the identity of the authors in any way. This means that authors should:

  • leave out author names and affiliations from the body and metadata of the submitted pdf
  • ensure that any citations to related work by themselves are written in the third person, for example “the prior work of XYZ” as opposed to “our prior work [2]”
  • not refer to their personal, lab or university website; similarly, care should be taken with personal accounts on github, bitbucket, Google Drive, etc.
  • not upload unblinded versions of their paper on archival websites during bidding/reviewing, however uploading unblinded versions prior to submission is allowed and sometimes unavoidable (e.g., thesis)
  • not to advertise their submission number or paper topic on social media accounts. Please be careful about posting your paper number, a description of your submitted paper, or any other information that may make it easy for reviewers to identify your submission.

Please note that double-blind submission should not be an excuse for hiding replication packages or data sets from reviewers, since that effectively hinders the peer-review process. Since access to data and scripts is essential during peer review, we strongly recommend to archive data sets on online archival sites such as, or (Instructions available in Open Science Policy below). The latter two even allow to receive a DOI and hence become citable.

Submission Link

Technical papers must be submitted through EasyChair:

Open Science Policy

Openness in science is key to fostering progress via transparency, reproducibility and replicability. Our steering principle is that all research output should be accessible to the public and that empirical studies should be reproducible. In particular, we actively support the adoption of open data and open source principles. The following guidelines are recommendations and not mandatory. Your choice to use open science or not will not affect the review process for your paper. However, to increase reproducibility and replicability, we encourage all contributing authors to disclose:

  • the source code of relevant software used or proposed in the paper, including that used to retrieve and analyze data
  • the data used in the paper (e.g., evaluation data, anonymized survey data etc)
  • instructions for other researchers describing how to reproduce or replicate the results

Already upon submission, authors can privately share their anonymized data and software on preserved archives such as Zenodo or Figshare (tutorial available hereplease make sure to any links shared during peer review are anonymized). Zenodo accepts up to 50GB per dataset (more upon request). There is no need to use Dropbox or Google Drive. Once accepted, an option can be toggled to publish the data and scripts with an official DOI. Zenodo and Figshare accounts can easily be linked with GitHub repositories to automatically archive software releases. In the unlikely case that authors need to upload terabytes of data, may be used.

After acceptance, we encourage authors to self-archive pre-prints of their papers in open, preserved repositories such as This is legal and allowed by all major publishers including ACM and IEEE and it lets anybody in the world reach your paper. Note that you are usually not allowed to self-archive the PDF of the published article (that is, the publisher proof or the Digital Library version). Instead, use the manuscript with reviewer comments addressed, but before applying the camera-ready instructions and templates. Feel free to contact the MSR 2020 PC or proceedings chairs for more details.

Please note that the success of the open science initiative depends on the willingness (and possibilities) of authors to disclose their data and that all submissions will undergo the same review process independent of whether or not they disclose their analysis code or data. We encourage authors who cannot disclose industrial or otherwise non-public data, for instance due to non-disclosure agreements, to provide an explicit (short) statement in the paper.


  • Abstract Deadline: Thursday January 9, 2020, 23:59 AOE
  • Papers Deadline: Thursday January 16, 2020, 23:59 AOE (No deadline extension or grace periods will be provided. Please plan accordingly)
  • Author Response Period: February 18 - 21, 2020
  • Author Notification: March 2, 2020
  • Camera Ready: Monday March 16, 2020, 23:59 AOE
