Software traceability establishes associations between diverse soft-ware artifacts such as requirements, design, code, and test cases. Due to the non-trivial costs of manually creating and maintaining links,many researchers have proposed automated approaches based on information retrieval techniques. However, many globally distributed software projects produce software artifacts written in two or more languages. The use of intermingled languages reduces the efficacy of automated tracing solutions. In this paper, we first analyze and dis-cuss patterns of intermingled language use across multiple projects,and then evaluate several different tracing algorithms including the Vector Space Model (VSM), Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), Latent Direchlet Allocation (LDA), and various models that combine mono-and cross-lingual word embeddings with the Generative Vector Space Model (GVSM). Based on an analysis of 14 Chinese-English projects, our results show that best performance is achieved using mono-lingual word embeddings integrated into GVSM with machine translation as a preprocessing step.